Your Friendly Colorado Verjus Producer

Bottles of verjus resting in a bed of flowers.

What's the secret ingredient professional chefs know about that can change the way you cook and drink? Verjus!

This juice, pressed from unripe wine grapes, is the reason for our new business based in Littleton, Colorado. Our goal is to have chefs, bartenders, and home cooks reaching for this tasty product instead of lemon juice, lime juice, wine or vinegar whether cooking or making drinks. It's a new staple that will provide a distinctive edge to any dish or beverage.

Pronounced as the French would say, "vair-ZHOO," our sustainable kitchen and bar ingredient is made entirely from Colorado grapes. We believe this versatile high-acid, non-alcoholic juice can become a go-to product for professional and amateur chefs and bartenders everywhere.

Want to learn more about the nitty-gritty of verjus? Nerd out on our Education page.

Please follow our journey on Instagram: @HorizonVerjusCompany.

Or, contact us directly via email:

We're passionate about local, sustainable food

We mean it. We want to help foster a strong local food ecosystem. We contribute to this movement in several ways:

1. We only use Colorado wine grapes that would otherwise go to waste.

2. Verjus can be used as a local alternative to citrus grown and shipped from different corners of the globe.

3. We allow consumers to create truly local Colorado cuisine with authentic Colorado-grown ingredients.

A hand holding a bunch of underripe wine grapes ideal for making verjus.

Why does local food matter?

A bottle of verjus staged on a log with winter snow on the ground.

Why so passionate about local food systems? Fostering a healthy, vibrant local food system helps in the following ways:

1.  Improve sustainability. Why purchase products that must travel from far away places? Buying local reduces our carbon footprint, creating a healthier environment.

2. Create stronger local economies. Most local food is created by small businesses rather than giant corporations. Buying local food keeps businesses, and jobs, local.

3. Eating local often means eating healthier. Local food tends to be less processed. Produce can be grown and picked for nutrition and flavor, as opposed to big farms that prioritize yield and ease of transport.

4. Distinguish local cuisine. Local food contributes to a more vibrant local cuisine, which is ultimately (in our opinion) more fun.

We believe verjus can play a significant role in this movement. Help us celebrate local food.


Reach out to us directly at We self-distribute in Colorado. While we primarily work with sustainably minded bars and restaurants, we are happy to talk retail and hand-deliver to any consumers interested in verjus.

We are available in select locations. If interested in purchasing verjus, please contact us. We are happy to provide current pricing and conduct product tastings. See our current offerings on our Products page. Let's talk!

The Logo for Horizon Verjus Company